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Why did you choose DSAI?

Most of us have a strong interest in Data Science and we are sure that we want to study it, given the large push towards data driven decision making in recent times. But more than that, most of us enjoy either the Math or the CS aspect of it and we want to use our skills to help make a change in the world. There are also a lot of interesting things that you can do with a DSAI degree that might not be easy for someone that has either a pure CS or Math degree as we are primed to understand how machine learning models work with our strong math background as well as implement it with our strong CS background.

Why did you choose NTU?

NTU provides a more conducive learning environment for people who are newly exposed to their course; which is computing in our context. As some of us who have come in with zero background knowledge on computing, we feel that NTU has taken into account the potential difficulties that people like us will face. Not only that, for people who are coming back from NS or have forgotten some of their fundamentals, NTU provides relevant modules for freshmen to refresh their concepts.

Beyond academics, NTU does seek to have a vibrant campus life with its halls and other CCAs, which is difficult to find at other schools. We have school events all year round and there is always something to look forward to, even in the holidays. Moreover as seniors, we find that the community that we have built, especially as DSAI students is really something that is hard to find anywhere else, given that we are such a small and tight knit community.

What is the difference between NTU DSAI and NUS DSA?

We may be biased here as we are not in NUS but here a few differences.

  • NUS DSA focuses on data science and analytics. NTU DSAI focuses on applying data science in an artificial intelligence context.
  • NUS DSA is managed by NUS' Department of Statistics. NTU DSAI is by NTU School of Computer Science and Engineering. And as such that explains why both courses might look at data science from different angles. The professors and experts in different fields. You may take more extensive statistics and math courses at NUS, e.g. they have things like numerical methods.
  • As NTU focuses on AI, you will have stronger CS background. You take most of Y1 and Y2 comp sci mods (data struct, algo, software eng, OODP, databases). Meanwhile in NUS DSA, you just learn basic programming and a bit of data struct and algo. That means if you ever decide not to pursue data science and do a software development job, you're still eligible if you do NTU DSAI.
  • In NTU, you get to study the different AI specialisations like Natural Language Processing. But not in NUS DSA.
  • NTU DSAI has small cohort, and we have special programmes like close mentorship by professors, summer projects, exclusive camps (e.g. USTC China), industrial workshops and AMD lab facilities for exclusive use by DSAI students, just to name a few.

What is the depth of the knowledge in AI and will we have to pursue Masters?

Referring to the AI and machine learning MSc programme in Imperial College London, here are some parallels between the modules:

  • Prolog is covered in CZ3005
  • Machine learning and reinforcement learning is covered in CZ4041
  • Data analysis and probabilistic inference is covered in CZ4032 and MH3511
  • Computer architecture is covered in DSAI's newest parallel programming module (no course code yet)
  • Databases are covered over CZ2007 and CZ4031
  • Hot applications: natural language processing is covered in CZ4045, cryptography in CZ4024, natural sciences applications in MH4517, information retrieval like Google search engine in CZ4034, etc

So ultimately, really depends on you. There is a limit as to how far the theory can bring you. You really need to do projects and be exposed to industrial trends. We have industrial partners that come to meet DSAI students frequently. As with all projects, how much you learn depends on how much effort you put in. And you can go very far if you are ready to put in effort in this course. And as with any growing industry, you will still need to learn when you are in the industry. It's a lifelong learning kind of career, so be prepared for that.

What's the difference between CS with a specialisation in DS/AI compared to DSAI?

DSAI is a specialised course as compared to CS with DS/AI specialisations, meaning that we are introduced to and work with data science concepts pretty much from the first year. Even our introduction to Data Science course is more in depth and fun since we get to choose our own project! Yes, we do have more math modules than CS students but we also do have lesser Computing modules as we don’t do the hardware side of things. More than anything, if you choose to do DS/AI with the CS route, you might not end up getting it due to competition/grades etc so choosing DSAI is a sure way to learn this discipline.